WRAP Around Services
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) is a strength-based process which develops and carries out plans for children and their families who have complex needs. The goal of WRAP is to stabilize the family and improve quality of life within and out of the home. Each family within the program is assigned a team facilitator who is responsible for building a team around the family, coordinating services, and/or being an advocate for the family. Possible team members may include: school personnel, mental health counselors, juvenile probation, family members, friends, etc. Families have a voice and choice about the services that they receive and decisions that affect their lives.
Program Objective:
• Help family access community resources, funding, and coordinate services.
• Identify needs of individual children and family as a whole.
• Build on family’s strengths to create an action plan to stabilize the family, improve the quality of life, and build natural supports.
• Decrease the chances of child being removed from the home.
Target Population:
Any family who needs assistance in accessing community resources/services. Level of care will be determined based on presenting issues.
WRAP Levels of Care:
Level One- Service Coordination referral for families that are not yet involved with multiple agencies, yet are seeking
assistance because they are having difficulty accessing services.
Level Two- Service Coordination for families who are already involved in multiple systems of care.
Level Three- WRAP Service Coordination for families with complex needs who require a team of people working with them to help them set and reach goals.